Rust leaves ugly stains on exterior surfaces. Rust is an iron oxide and occurs when iron or a compound containing it is exposed to oxygen overtime. It can stain all exterior masonry, concrete and anything else it
touches. Rust removal eliminates unsightly rust stains, restoring the beauty of all types of exterior surfaces. Rust stains are commonly caused by irrigation system overspray of hard water onto driveways, patio’s,
walkways, brick & stone masonry & siding.
Our rust removal services safely eliminate rust stains without etching or damage to the surface. We restore the like new appearance removing years of rust build-up. Rust stains make your property look shabby and
neglected. Maybe you’ve tried to remove these stains yourself. Unfortunately, this labor of love can be fruitless since the stains have deeply penetrated the surface. We understand that rust stains can originate
from various sources and manifest in different forms.

Irrigation Stains: Rust stains caused by irrigation systems often appear on exterior surfaces such as patio’s, sidewalks, and driveways. These stains result from the presence of iron in the water used for irrigation.

Battery Acid Stains: Battery acid leaks from vehicles or equipment can lead to rust stains on concrete surfaces such as garage floors, driveways, and parking lots. These stains not only detract from the appearance of the surface but can also cause damage if left untreated.

Metallic Object Stains: Rust stains can occur when metal objects transfer onto the surface, leaving behind stubborn stains.

Water Runoff Stains: Rust stains may also develop on surfaces exposed to water runoff from gutters, downspouts & metal roofing materials. Overtime, these stains can become more pronounced and difficult to remove without professional intervention.

All Surface Restoration provides safe, effective and long-lasting rustremoval services. We take pride in restoring exterior surfaces to a like new appearance.

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